Strathclyde Chamber Choir directed by Alan Tavener

St Columbkille’s | 2 Kirkwood St | Rutherglen | G73 2SL

14 January

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“For having heard for a long time the rumors of his holy fame, Columba desired to go to Kentigern, and to visit, to see, and to be received into a more private familiarity with him, and to consult the sanctuary of his holy breast concerning those matters which were near to his own heart”

(Vita Kentigerni, XXXIX)


Alan Tavener directs The Strathclyde Chamber Choir in a recital of chant from the Sprouston Breviary and Incholm Antiphoner in honour of Glasgow’s patron saint St Mungo and St Columba, founder of Iona Monastery and missionary to Dalriada and the northern Picts of Caledonia, whose 1500th Anniversary is being celebrated.



This event is live at St Columbkille’s with limited places. No booking required.


The St Mungo Festival is organised by

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